So you want to paint that old stained woodwork

If you are tired of the look of old dark stained woodwork and would like a new look by painting yourself instead of using a Local Painting Contractor, let us show you how the CHS Painting crew would do this properly so you come out with a nice clean look.
Tools needed
Green scotch bright pads
cleaning solution
caulking gun
wood putty
sand paper
paint brush
tape/ masking paper
#1 First Step is to get some water and TSP or Dirt ex in a bowl or spray bottle and start going around room and cleaning all woodwork with cleaning solution and scotch bright pad, do a good job on this as paint will not stick to dirt. After cleaning wipe off with a clean dry rag
#2. Take your sand paper and lightly scuff sand the clean woodwork, if you have a damaged ares, sand them out now as best you can. This will help with adhesion and clean up anything left from scrubbing mill work
#3 Take your tape and some paper and mask off floor areas before painting. Do a good job on this so you do not get any paint on your floor. If you have carpet you can take your tape and use a putty knife to push carpet down and get tape under the base if needed
#4 Take a brush and get a coat of a good bonding cover stain primer on the woodwork. Does not need to be heavy just brush on neatly to all woodwork and let dry recommended amount of time
#5. Stained woodwork is not caulked to wall, and normally they do not fill the nail holes. So now is the time to use caulk on top edge of molding to wall, cut a small hole at end of caulking gun and go slow and apply to gap at top of molding to wall, then take a wet rag and wipe and smooth out. Also if corners need to be caulked do this now.
#6 After caulking is dry, if you see nail holes, fill these now, let dry and sand smooth
#7 You are now ready to apply a coat of paint. Take your time apply a smooth coat to trim, watching for possible drips along the way. Let dry and apply a second coat. The second coat should cover completely, and will give you a nice, hard finish
If you have followed the steps above, and taken your time, you should now have a nice clean look you can be proud of
A few tips
Do not try to do all at the same time, pick one room at a time and proceed, as it takes longer than you think and you will learn to be a little better with each room
Follow the steps 1 & 2 , you want to be sure the paint sticks to the stained woodwork well
Pick a Good quality trim paint to work with
Do not skimp on the prep work, this is what makes the difference for a professional look in the end
Take your time masking and do it right, much easier than trying to clean up dried paint off floor
When painting, always go back and look for any drips and smooth out before they dry
I hope this helps with your project, and as always if we can help in any way please contact us at CHS Painting.
Office. 503-543-4875