Kids Bedroom Painting Tips To Learn In Scappoose, OR
Kids Bedroom Painting Tips To Learn In Scappoose, OR
In looking to paint your kid's bedroom, there may possibly be some things that you are going to want to consider to make it a better painting project.
These can be things like enhancing the preparation before you start painting or what you do along the way to make your painting project not take nearly as much and perhaps even cost you a bit less money.
Let's have a look at some kids bedroom painting tips to learn when you want a properly painted bedroom.
1. Be Careful In Your Color Choice
One thing you're going to want to do when you're looking to paint your kids bedroom is to be sure that you are extremely careful with the choice or choices you make in color.
The color or colors that you have in a room as important as a bedroom have to be carefully considered -- for this is not just a room where you sleep but as a child you are likely to be playing and perhaps even doing homework.
It's therefore important that you think through to what color or colors you are going to be using so that you don't make it difficult for them to sleep or overexcite them when they need to be studying.
2. Clean After Sanding
Though it is well known that you are meant to get a good smooth surface for painting, the thing that you sometimes don't hear about is how the process of sanding a surface can make a bit of a mess as well and needs some cleaning up afterward.
This is quite a key part of the process, because when you are applying primer and then paint afterward you are not going to want to see the same sanding dust that you made while sanding your walls appear in the primer and paint -- that's not going to make for a nice looking bedroom.
What you're going to want to do instead is to make sure that you spend some time cleaning up all of the sanding dust that you made while sanding the various surfaces that you are going to be painting.
3. Use Easy To Clean Paint
You are likely already aware of the fact that kids can get quite messy, especially when they are in their own spaces and even when you tell them to be careful and to not make messes.
There are all sorts of ways that kids can make a bit of a mess on your walls but depending on what kind of paint you use, the cleaning process is going to be quite different.
Making use of glossy paint, for example, will help you to have paintwork that is relatively easy to clean -- you're going to want to take a moist cloth and wipe the walls when they are dirty, and you will find that they are going to look next to new if you do an upkeep like this.
If you make the mistake of making use of flat paint, on the other hand, you will find that this same technique of cleaning will yield walls that are quite difficult to clean and in fact sometimes will get paint to come off of the walls in addition to the stains that you are cleaning.
4. Let Time Pass And Surfaces Dry Before You Move On To The Next Step
Lastly, you should be sure that you have dry surfaces at every step of the process before you move onto the next one.
Applying paint over wet primer, for example, is almost a certain way to ruin the paintwork that you are working so hard to get done correctly
Don't ever work on the next step in the painting process if you find that your surfaces are not fully dry.
If we can help in any way with your painting in St. Helens, OR and beyond, feel free to contact us at CHS Painting, we are always ready to help! Please contact us at CHS Painting. Office. 503-543-4875 Web. Related: How to help prevent exterior paint from fading5 Tips For Choosing The Right Interior Paint in Scappoose, OR