Living Room Ceiling Painting Tips In St. Helens, OR
Living Room Ceiling Painting Tips In St. Helens, OR
In any given interior painting project, you may think about the walls of the room, even sometimes looking to paint just one wall of a room if you want to create an accent wall.
Your ceiling, however, is often overlooked -- and this is unfortunate given how important the ceiling is to any given room on the interior of your home.
If you want to have a well painted ceiling, there are certain things you can do to improve the painting process.
Let's have a look at some living room ceiling painting tips that will help make a better looking living room ceiling
1. Low Drip Paint Is Advisable
One fairly straightforward thing that you are going to want to do when you're looking to paint your living room ceiling is to make use of a paint that is meant to drip less -- sometimes this will actually come in the form of paint that is meant for ceilings.
Though it's true that you will see that the amount of dripping will go down quite a bit, there is no such thing as paint that will be entirely free of drips and so it is important that you protect the floor below where you are painting.
You should lay down some drop cloth or tarp as this will help to prevent the paint from getting through to the floor below it.
2. Ladders Are The Best
You might find that there are a number of ways that you can get up to the ceiling -- or to get the paintbrush or paint roller you are using to be applied to the ceiling.
One thing that you could think about doing is making use of some sort of an extension pole -- this could be as simple as a pole or one that telescopes to reach a greater height.
The best way by far to get to the ceiling in just about every regard is to make use of a ladder, as it will help you to get up to the ceiling and will also be much more portable and safer than any of your other options that bring you close to the ceiling.
Though you could, in theory, make a scaffolding system, it will be considerably less portable than a ladder and in some cases, it will be quite dangerous if it is not well made -- and it will be a bit more costly if it is that well made!
3. White Is Not Your Only Option
There are so many options that you have out there when it comes to color, and white of course can be one of them but it does not have to be your only choice.
Seeing as you are painting your living room ceiling, you can make the ceiling just about any color that is welcoming to the people that are going to be spending time in the room -- there being one key factor that you are going to want to bear in mind when making the decision.
As it is your ceiling, you should remember that the color will need to go not only with the walls in the room but also with the furniture and other things that you have in the room -- to make for a more pleasant ceiling.
4. Clean Before You Paint
Lastly, remember that you can't paint a dirty ceiling -- and a lot of people have the mistaken impression that you can just do this because anything you do will involve putting paint on the surface and so eventually you will see nothing but the paint, right?
This is not the case at all and what you will end up doing instead is painting a dirty surface, and the end result is that you are going to have a ceiling that is painted and still does not look good -- the texture will be off by quite a bit and that will be because of the dirt on the surface.
The best thing you can really do for your ceiling as you are preparing to paint it is to fully clean it - remove the surface layer dirt and grime and really even properly wash it where necessary so that you can see for yourself a clean surface -- and then allow it to dry before you go to the next step of the process.
If we can help in any way with your painting in St. Helens, OR and beyond, feel free to contact us at CHSPainting, we are always ready to help! Please contact us at CHS Painting. Office. 503-543-4875 Web.