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Tricks For Painting Over Wallpaper In Scappoose, OR

Tricks For Painting Over Wallpaper In Scappoose, OR

In the world of updating the look of your home, you may come to realize that there is wallpaper in a room that is going to get painted and when that happens and you realize that painting over the wallpaper is the best bet,

However, you shouldn't just go into a painting project involving wallpaper thinking that it's going to go as easily as just painting a wall without the paper, you will quickly learn that this is not the case.

With that being the case, let's learn about some tricks for painting over wallpaper that will help make for a better painted interior room.

1. Clean Wallpaper Is Fundamental

One thing that you're going to want to do when you're looking to paint your room with wallpaper is to make sure that the wallpaper is fully cleaned first.

The issue that many people have is that they look at a room with wallpaper and think they can just start painting immediately without any cleaning or preparation whatsoever and that is not the case.

What really happens when you do this is that you will find yourself with a messy looking room that has had some paint applied to it -- this is not something you're going to want to see in your home.

The better thing to do is to gently clean the surface that is to be painted and then ensure that it is fully dry before you move on to the next step in the painting process.

2. Rid The Surface Of Any Imperfections

Painting your walls with wallpaper means that you are going to need to be sure that your surfaces that are to be painted have no imperfections -- primer and paint will not have a chance of looking good on the walls if there is damage to the wallpaper.

There are a number of ways that you can get rid of these imperfections in the surfaces that you are going to be painting, but most often people make use of spackle or joint compound.

Once this has been done, you are going to have to make sure that you fully sand the areas that you have fixed with the compound and spackle.

By doing this you will be able to properly paint and prime your walls and not have any concern about the application of the paint and how much has been applied.

3. Primer Before Paint

If you are going to want your paint to properly stay on the surfaces that you are painting you should first apply a coat of primer.

The thing about primer is that it does more than just help your paint get on your surfaces in a smooth manner is that it also gets the paint to stay on the walls longer.

This is good because it will get your painting project to ultimately cost less -- the cost of a painting project is directly related to how much it costs upfront compared to how many years it takes until you need to paint again.

4. Choose The Right Paint For The Wallpaper

There are many kinds of paint that you can use, and just because you can get a paint at a good price it doesn't mean that it's the right paint for the kind of wallpaper that you have on the walls.

The kind of paint that you would apply to a vinyl based wallpaper, for example, would not necessarily be so good for a fabric or a paper wallpaper.

Though an entire blog could be dedicated to this topic, suffice it to say that you have to use the right paint for your wallpaper and it is often made clear by the paint information for what wallpaper it will be suitable and if not, your paint store will be more than happy to help.

If we can help in any way with your painting in St. Helens, OR and beyond, feel free to contact us at CHSPainting, we are always ready to help! Please contact us at CHS Painting. Office. 503-543-4875 Web. Related: How to help prevent exterior paint from fading5 Tips For Choosing The Right Interior Paint in Scappoose, OR


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